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中原网  日期: 2008-04-10  来源: 郑州日报  

  2008 Miss Tourism Queen International Pageant本报记者 李利强 摄

  美丽的郑州 The Beautiful Zhengzhou 本报记者 李利强 摄
  戊子年拜祖大典现场 Memorial Ceremony to Ancestor in Huang Di's Native Place in 2008 本报记者 李利强 摄
  炎黄二帝塑像落成仪式 The Completeness Ceremony of the Yan Di & Huang Di's Statue






  Zhengzhou citywith the Yellow River in the North Songshan Mountain in the West and the vast Huanghuai Plain in the Southeast is the capital city of Henan Province.It leads the economic development among the cities in the central plain. It has five cities one county and six districts under its jurisdiction. Besides Zhengzhou also have four other administrative districts which are Zhengdong New District Zhengzhou National Economic & Technological Development District Zhengzhou New & Hi-tech Industry Development District and Zhengzhou Export Process District. Zhengzhou is a member city of the League of Historical Citiesone of China's top initial tourism cities and a famous nationalhistorical and cultural city.It is also one of the eight ancient capitals in Chinaa national sanitary city a national verdurization model city and a national garden city as well. As the cradle of the Chinese ancient civilization and one of the earliest inhabited areas of the Chinese people. 5000 years of history of Yellow Emporer and 3600 years history of the Zhengzhou city give birth to her splendid culture.

  Zhengzhou has abundant and unique tourism resources. There are 43 national-level key historical and cultural sites and more than 100 tourist attractions in Zhengzhouamong which the″remarkable scenery of Songshan Mountain″″Shaolin Kungfu″″Yellow River scenery″″Yellow Emperor's Native Place″and the ″energetic business city″are the most influential tourism brands.The Yellow Emperor Worshipping Ceremony held in every March 3rd of the Chinese lunar calendar and the International Shaolin Kungfu Festival(or the World Traditional Wushu Festival) held annually are the most important tourism activities in Zhengzhou. With more than 200 travel services16 A-level tourist attractions13 model places of the nationalindustrial and agricultural tourism22 star farmhouse touring sitesmore than 100 star hotelsand almost 1000 tourist buses and boats Zhengzhou has the strong and comprehensive capacity for receiving the tourists.

  If you want to understand China you must visit the Central Plain.Zhengzhou is the transport and telecommunication hub in Chinawith very convenient transportation in aviationrailway and expressway.It is also the most important tourist distributing center and tourism destination in Central China.By the expressways met in Zhengzhou and radiated to all over Henantourists could start from Zhengzhou to every tourism city in Henan within one dayexperiencing the splendid Central Plain culture and the beautiful natural scenery.

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